Reunion FAQ
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Reunion FAQ:

 Reunion FAQ:

Q: Why have a reunion FAQ?

A: We felt it was important to let our classmates know what we are doing for the reunion and why we are doing it. We would appreciate any comments you might have.


Q: Where can I find information about the reunion?

A:  We have a facebook page at

The reunion web site at www . deerlakes1977 . com will also have the latest about the reunion and reunion activities. You can also send us an email at reunion40 @ deerlakes1977 . com 


 Q: Can I help out?

A: Yes! If you want to help out, send us an email at reunion40 @ deerlakes1977 . com 


 Q: Where and when is the reunion?

A: The reunion will be held

September 2nd, 2017

at the Chandelier Room of the Acme Club

(American Slovenian Citizens Association)

230 Herron Ave. Cheswick PA 15024 724-274-9997


Q: Why have a joint reunion?

A: When we were planning the 25 year reunion with the class of 1976 we were approached by the class of 1978 and 1975 about also taking part. At that time, we didn't feel we could handle that many classmates. Since the 30 year reunion, we think we have the facilities and the help needed to add more classes.

We also felt it was a good idea for these reasons:

1) It helps us keep the costs down

2) Having more people attend makes for a better reunion

3) A joint reunion might be an incentive for people to attend.



Q: I didn't graduate in 1975, 1976, 1977, etc can I come too?

A: Sure. We welcome any alumni from DLHS to join us. If you're from another class and would like to attend, all the info is on the website or send us an email at reunion40 @ deerlakes1977 . com 


Q: Why have the reunion at the Acme Club?

A: We picked the Acme Club for these reasons:

1) Their prices were reasonable compared with other places

2) They have few restrictions about what we can do.

3) Plenty of hotels approx. 1 mile away.


Q: Are we going to have some gathering before or after the reunion?

A: Not likely. There has been discussions at every reunion about having something before or after but we don't feel there is enough interest to justify the work needed and no one has ever taken charge to organize something.