That 70's Deer Lakes High School Reunion Site
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Welcome fellow Deer Lakes High School classmates!

This is the site where you can find information about upcoming multi-year reunion events for the DLHS classes from the 70's)

Announcing the DLHS multi-year reunion for the classes of the 1970's (and 1980)

(although we're open to anyone who attended DLHS) 

September 10th, 2022

6pm - 11pm

at the Chandelier Room of the

Acme Club (American Slovenian Citizens Association)

230 Herron Ave. Cheswick PA 15024 724-274-9997


Date: Saturday, September 10th 2022

Venue: Acme Club
(American Slovenian Citizens Association)
Address: 230 Herron Ave. Cheswick PA 15024
Phone: 724-274-9997

Time: 6 PM to 11 PM

Bar: Cash Bar

Food: Sandwich Ring, Pizza, Snacks

Music: 70's party music

Price: $20 per person

RSVP: by Monday, August 29st, 2022


We accept checks, Paypal, Venmo

Make checks payable to:
Vanessa Fischer
140 Crescent Drive
Tarentum PA 15084

Please include the following contact information

Name(s) (include maiden name if married )
Mailing Address
Year Graduated
Phone #
Note: The reunion committee values your privacy.

We will only use your info to contact you for future events.

We look forward to seeing you!

The DLHS Reunion Committee

Nearby Hotels (approx 1 mile away)
Holiday Inn Express - 412-828-9300
Hampton Inn 412-423-1100
Days Inn - 412-828-5400
TownPlace Suites - 412-423-1900
Quality Inn - 412-828-8900
Valley Motel - 412-828-7100


Visit us on Facebook at 

Or if you're not on Facebook

Please get on our email list by sending us an email with your name to

reunion @ oleniacz . com

 (your phone number and mailing address would also be appreciated in case your email doesn't work)


If you are in touch with any of our other classmates,

Please send us their name, phone number, mail address, email address or just email them the address of this site.

If you have any questions, email us at reunion @

We welcome any input you might have. If you have any comments let us know.